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Back row (left to right): Dr Michael Fletcher (special advisor), Phil O’Reilly, Trevor McGlinchey, Charles Waldegrave, Kay Brereton, Professor Innes Asher, Robert Reid.
Front row (left to right): Professor Tracey McIntosh, Dr Ganesh Nana, Dr Huhana Hickey, Professor Cindy Kiro (Chair), Latayvia Tualasea Tautai.
Many people informed and supported the work of the 11 members of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group.
We would like to thank all those people who made the effort to meet with us in person during consultation and hui – we know how difficult this was for many of you, and we are very grateful. We also appreciate the people who completed our survey and made submissions. The contributions were insightful, wide ranging and of significant value to our work.
We are appreciative of the input of the attendees at our roundtable sessions in Wellington and Auckland and are grateful to Judge Andrew Becroft and Professor Jonathan Boston for hosting the Wellington session.
We would like to make a special note of thanks to our two facilitators, Cissy Rock and Tim Howard, who ensured that our consultation sessions were inclusive and engaging.
We thank all those agencies, organisations and individuals who provided us with information, advice or opinions. Special thanks also go to Neavin roughton, Dr Sacha McMeeking, Associate Professor Damon Salesa, Rachel Noble, Dr Rosemary Marks and Professor Richie Poulton.
Many people helped us engage with local communities during consultation and hui, without whom we could not have reached as many people as we did, and to whom we owe a large debt of gratitude. We thank local iwi, marae, advocacy and community groups, community liaison advisors, regional commissioners, schools, polytechnics, primary health organisations, New Zealand Sign Language interpreters, Naenae Old Boys Cricket Club and the local churches and communities that gave us use of their premises. We also thank Wellington City Mission, Kapiti Youth Service, Lifewise, Wesley Community Action and People’s Project.
Finally, we would like to thank our Special Advisor Dr Michael Fletcher, whose extensive knowledge of the welfare system was essential, and our Secretariat members for their advice and hard work.
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